Carpe April Fools Diem/ Create Shocks and Giggles

I have enjoyed turning my husband white with shock using several April Fools Pranks: “I’m Pregnant” (my favorite), “There’s a plane in the front yard!”(deliver the stuttering & red faced), or “there’s a rattle snake in the bathtub!” (deliver red faced while screaming and jumping frantically ).  Good times.  Seldom can I remember having this much fun.  I don’t forget the kids either.  These are my favorites: open their drawer for their morning clothes and scream “RATS!” and run away; or run inside the house in total wide-eyed shock yelling “Oh my God (beat) there’s a giant UFO outside, pack your bags (run off to open drawers throwing everything in a bag); or my all time favorite, “kids we are moving to Syberia(beat, muster tear) it’s only temporary…I hope” (break down sobbing).
Looking around for this year’s inspiration I found a fun site of top 100 hoaxes: Museum of Hoaxes.
Since life is short, we must create giggles and laughs for those we cherish. Otherwise life would be dull. For this purpose we made Cupcake Surprise, which is turning out to be a customer favorite. It still makes Bennett and I laugh when we watch it. We also made the Government Bailout Game.  It’s addicting and just as difficult in cyber space as it is in reality. We are thinking of you all here at Doozycards and we wish you a very happy and fulfilling April Fools Day!


New Caribbean Hippos Birthday ecard

If you loved Dream Girls, you’ll love our Caribbean Hippos in Paradise.   We received all your requests to make more and we did!  You can send our new Happy Birthday Caribbean  Hippos in Paradise animated ecard today.  Our music producer has created a top notch Happy Birthday song and our animator has designed the most adorable outfits.  Delight your friends and family with a heartfelt  island birthday ecard.

Doozycards has Joint Venture with Paramount Pictures


Doozycards is excited to announce we’ve made ecards for the major motion pictuire The Spiderwick Chronicles.   My personal favorite is The Sight. You can also send your friends some adventure with Run to the Front Door Adventure or  the orignal Spiderwick Chronicles trailer.  Enjoy the ecards and I hope you are all sipping lemonade in the shade and getting foot massages.



NEW Ecard Styles on Doozy!

Hello, this is Bennett, one of the Doozy doozies,

ABBA fans Rejoice! Our next big birthday ecard will be an ABBA spoof with newly composed music by our Doozy song writer, Mark, and featuring kitties in Swedish spandex costumes.

We want to let you know to check out our brand new 3D ecard, “Elvis Birthday”. In the fine tradition of singing barnyard animals, Elvis is a chicken, fully rendered in 3 dimensional animation by our newest animator, Kristopher. Elvis is very fun and perfect for saying “Happy Birthday”. Look for more 3D cards coming throughout the year.

Also, we have improved our photo insertion e cards and they are ready to go. You can now make anyone of whom you have a photo into the  President disco dancing in the Oval Office, or you can make a friend or family member into a little cowboy shooting X’s and O’s.

Notes from Leap Day, 2008

Hi again, Chandler here writing on Leap Day, Feb. 29, 2008.

Some of our customers are still buried in snow. Bennett, who writes many of our scripts and is the Gecko’s voice, reports his Mom is expecting to be snowed in New England this weekend by another blizzard. March will come in like a lion. But the funny thing is other customers are feeling a Spring awakening already. My kids here in California just got the season’s first grass stains on their pants yesterday playing in the yard. If any of you reading this have a good inexpensive remedy for removing grass stains, please write in and let me know it!

My youngest, Cooper, has been speaking in sentences since the New Year began (thanks to those of you who asked after him), and my second, Ollie, tells me he will grow up to be the doctor for the whole city. He has the kind of personality that makes me believe he probably will. Otis, my oldest,  seems inclined toward Rock Star. What are your kids interested in? Write in and let us know. HAPPY LEAP DAY!