As TV legend Art Linkletter famously remarked, “Kids say the darndest things.” It was true during Linkletter’s popular television show, and it’s true today. Teachers, parents, aunts, uncles, coaches and others have been baffled and bemused by some of the craziest things kids say. We asked popular greeting e-card company Doozy Cards for some of the weirdest things kids say, and they delivered.
When you’re in the greeting card business, you’re also in the funny quote business. We’ve seen our share of crazy at Doozy Cards, but it’s always great to receive new quips. Children are the most dependable source of amusing, outrageous and enlightening content. When it comes to laugh-out-loud humor, seasoned comics have nothing on an honest child or toddler.
We questioned the general public for some of the weirdest kid quotes, and the response was tremendous. While all the entries were cackle-worthy, the following really caught our attention.
Shopping Trip: Pulling out all the Stops

Weirdest thing my Kid Ever Said