Category Archives: Doozy Cards eCards News
Can You Guess Why…..
…we are featuring this particular ecard today? HINT: webmasters and IT people will have a better chance of guessing the reason.
We will give 3 FREE MONTHS of membership to the first person who leaves a message with the correct reason we are posting this particular ecard’s image today. Good Luck!
Doozycards Father’s Day ecards Featured in Times Square!
The newest of Doozy Cards’ Father’s Day ecards, Country Singing Steak, has been featured in Times Square! A sentence about our new Father’s Day animated greetings and a big fun picture of the Singing Steak and his wiener band went up on one of the big electronic billboards in Times Square!
Here’s the picture:
Who is Brave?
As the season for Holiday ecards winds down, with the last batch coming up being our Father’s Day ecards, and as the sun shines and warm breezes caress our brains, we get giddy… loopy even… and produce such tom foolery as you see below. We were on Facebook (as, we note, many of you are. Here’s our Doozy Cards Facebook page) when we saw the lovely poster for the upcoming move, Brave from Disney Pixar. Well.. being giddy, we couldn’t resist making a few alterations…. we hope you are giddy too and enjoy:
PS: MAKE YOUR OWN and either post it in comments or send it to us and we’ll post yours with ours. You can send them to,



Doozy Brightens a Son’s and Mom’s Day
Bob is one of our most loyal customers. He called us the other day with a Christmas message and explained what our service means to him. Bob moved to the Coachella Valley in California some years ago to care for his 93-year-old mother, Liz, whose health had begun to waver in her nineties. Here’s a lovely picture Bob sent us of them both. (yes that’s right; We get snow on our desert mountains here in Southern California!)
On mornings that are harder than others, Bob visits, plays one of our animated ecards, and shares it with his mother. He tells us that our light-hearted, animated ecards put both of them in a smiling mood and help them get on with their day. In his message Bob says “We want to thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into our lives. We applaud each and every one of you.”
We found Bob’s and Liz’s story to be remarkable. The irony that Bob sends us a thank you note with Christmas greetings is that it is perhaps his sunny disposition that deserves the highest recognition. Most us of hope to live to age 90 like Liz; the wisdom that comes with it is earned. Parents dedicate their lives to us and sacrifice so much for us, and when it is our turn to care for them later in life it is truly a gift. We know that Bob and Liz are treasuring this time together. We are glad to bring a little merriment and joy to their day. They certainly bring some to ours! Happiest of Holidays, Bob and Liz!