Animals Deserve to Wear Clothes Too

My brother always insists pets hate clothes.  That’s until I made a little red cowboy hat for their lizard, Mr. Bigglesworth.  I swear it gave him a sense of pride.  His eyes narrowed and he held his chin up high.  He could have been assuming a strike pose now that I think of it.  Unfortunately, Mr. Bigglesworth did not survive the cat . I offered to make him a burial outfit; but the kids insisted he be burried in his birthday suit in a shoebox.  Pets have endured my outfits and been saved by them( that’s another blog post).  However, I’m lucky I can fuel this passion of accessorizing animals into my work here at Doozycards.  My latest favorite is our new  3D Elvis Beagle who is wearing a wondeful gold jumpsuit.  Here’s a sneak peak:

Doozy Elvis Beagle
Our friend Peter who writes music for Elmo has composed the song for this birthday eCard.  It’s AMAZING.  We hope to post it in the next couple of weeks.  We have several new birthday e-cards in produciton so stay tuned. 
Thanks for choosing Doozycards and we are open to making any e-cards you want us to or to animal accessory ideas!   Just send me an email @:

– Chandler

Dance, Dance, Dance!

I told Bennett we have to update the blog today or we’ll end up as road kill on the information highway. However, he can’t stop dancing to “You Spin Me Right Round” by Dead or Alive. At least he’s happy. This country has seen tough times and sharing a laugh with a friend seems to be so much more profound and pleasurable than it was a year ago. It’s true we dance a lot to eighties videos in our sunporch-turned-office. I find it’s cheaper and more enjoyable than marital therapy. We realize connecting with loved ones and friends in a heartfelt way is one of life’s largest pleasures and should be on the top of everyone’s to do list.

To help you all accomplish this, our production schedule is full, full, full for Spring. Mukti, our photo card genius who spent many years at the ashram featured in “Eat Pray Love”, is currently working on a sympathy ecard and a new Get Well ecard. Bennett and I are working on new serious toned friendship birthday e cards. We are adding “Across the Miles” themed cards to all of our major holidays with Easter coming up next.

We love that you are supporting and sending blessings and good wishes to so many of your friends with our cards. You inspire us to be more supportive of those we love. My four year old sent me his first Doozycard and I was touched. It was President Obama saying “Cooper (his three year old brother) is poo poo poo”. After watching me open it, he collapsed on the floor, a pile of hysterical laughter. We were connecting.

In the works we have more “racy” birthday cards and a new 3D musical birthday ecard along the lines of our very popular singing Elvis chicken. My creative friend from high school, Mike, is animating this ecard. Mike and I went to Culver Military Academy in Indiana (that’s a whole other blog!). He does a lot of film animation for big films such as “I am Legend” and “Die Hard”. Go Mike!

Also in production: Games, April Fools prank ecards and a basket full of funny and serious Easter cards.
We thank you all for your loving and supportive emails. We actually do consider every single card request. Let us know your favorite cards and what you like to send. In the meantime, we hope you find your favorite old music videos on You Tube and Dance Dance Dance the Night Away.a>