Delivering Meals on Wheels is a Real Eye Opener


Here are Otis and Charlie delivering Meals on Wheels

On Sunday, my son Otis,  my nephew Charlie and I delivered Meals on Wheels.  Living near Beverly Hills, we often get to see how the top 1 % of the country lives.  However, going east of Vermont Boulevard toward downtown LA is a different story.  Many of the recipients on our Sunday delivery route live in tiny rooms.  For several of them, the bed takes up most of the space in their home.  We delivered a meal to one woman who is blind and living alone with just a bed and a desk.  After helping the her up to her third floor apartment  I can’t even imagine  how she gets herself to the grocery store regularly.  She has no refrigerator or even a kitchen.    However, thanks to Sister Alice Marie (“Sister Sam”) at St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, hungry seniors are being fed.  These forgotten seniors need help.  Please consider helping Sister Sam in her mission to feed thousands of home bound seniors a day.  Click here to make a donation.  Every dollar goes to feed a home-bound senior in need of your help.

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