Let it Never be said Doozy Disregards BBQs

Well the Summer Solstice has passed, and we are officially in the thickets of summer. The sun is delightful here in Southern California. Those who are lucky enough to have access to a pool are enjoying splashing around with their families. People in Los Angeles are already a-buzz making plans for July 4th. Many people migrate to the beaches of Santa Monica, Malibu, or Orange County. Others forgo the mass transit and over-populated highways for a backyard BBQ.

We here at Doozy never underestimate the significance of a summer BBQ. That’s why many of our summer ecards highlight this fun pastime. Our Mission Impossible summer e-card features a Secret Ops squirrel that behaves to the Golden Retriever’s dismay.


Whether you like to barbeque chicken, hot dogs, pineapple, or green peppers on the Barbie, Doozy’s e cards will commemorate this summertime fun.

As buzz builds for the 2012 election, this summer we’ll enjoy constant news reports and TV coverage of President Obama’s campaign as well as his Republican counterparts. Be it Congresswoman Michelle Bachman or Former Governor Mitt Romney or many other politicians in the news this summer, our Founding Fathers BBQ ecard is a great one to send to your politically minded friends.

Founding Father's BBQ

This summer, look forward to a reappearance of our hilarious politically-spoofed e-cards. Here’s what we did back in 2008 in honor of the Presidential campaign:

Candidates Music Video e-card

Note: We believe in bipartisan mockery. We are equal opportunity pie-throwers. We’d love to hear from you what kind of campaign season humor you’d like to see. Please leave a message in our comments section below.

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