L’Amour de Marriage


It is Spring, the season of love and fertility. That also means we are approaching June, the season of weddings. Everyone focuses on the weddings and yet there is little hubbub about anniversaries. It’s just plain math that if June is the month of weddings that it must be even more a month of weddings.

You can read plenty of articles online about the divorce rate being so high (around 50%), etc. etc.. However, here at Doozy Cards our intention is to focus on the highest, the uplifting, the love and smiles. Therefore, we are pleased to present our newest Anniversary ecards, direct from Paris.

It took many man hours to find dogs small enough to fit in an envelope and to train them to play the accordion and sing. As the lead singer is from Malta (she’s a Maltese), she had to spend HOURS in the salon being made cosmetically to look like Edith Piaf. She was trained in the French language by a poodle named Gigi.

Interestingly, we did not have to train the smallest of the dogs to paint.

The result is a little taste of L’Amour in the most romantic of the Romance languages. We hope you and your loved one enjoy and we wish all lovers a very Happy Anniversary!

You can see all our Anniversary ecards here.

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