On Valentines, Chocolate, and Love


Hi, this is Bennett, Doozy’s Director of Operations and the voice of the Gecko and the Hamster (http://www.doozycards.com/new-cards-greeting-cards/valentine-strip-o-gram).

Are you in love? I’m not. Again. Well, not with a human being… I am completely in love with chocolate (dark, with almonds!). and if you are reading this and thinking of favoring me by sending me some, please know I prefer the expensive kind (sorry about that). So, being a bachelor on yet another Valentine’s Day I celebrate the day in two ways.

First, it’s a day to celebrate all the people I love and admire. I really do believe in love itself, in the most universal, profound sense. I believe that the value of being sweet to people and the value of beauty is that it evokes the experience of love inside the heart and mind. This is a kind of spiritual uplift when you offer it to someone. It creates the experience of love in your own heart at the same time. I truly believe in practicing that daily. So on Valentine’s Day I speak more sweetly, tell  more people they inspire me, and try to behave kindly and graciously because I think it makes for more love in the world all around.

Then there’s chocolate. Let me just say, Chandler is really good about giving chocolate, especially on Valentine’s Day. Everyone at Doozy gets some. And it’s the good stuff too! This reminds me; my new favorite ecard is the one we made this week; Fairy Choclate Valentine. Caroline animated it and she has this very rich sense of color. I think it’s sumptuous; see for yourself: http://www.doozycards.com/ecards/valentines-day/popular/fairy-chocolate-valentine . And then… and then.. just because we are Doozycards, we couldn’t make a lovely ecard and leave it alone. Oh no, we of course had have some fun with it. Here’s the “comic” version: http://www.doozycards.com/ecards/valentines-day/anti/perils-of-chocolate .

I hope you get lots of your favorite chocolate on Valentine’s Day. Please send lots of Doozy Valentines Day ecards; it will allow me to buy myself some truly decadent chocolates for myself and my friends. I hope love stays with you all year round.

 – Bennett


3 thoughts on “On Valentines, Chocolate, and Love

  1. Hi, There are several reasons why this could be happening to your cards. Our Customer Service Dept. can definately help. Contact them at Support@doozycards.com or by calling that dept. at 1-800-341-1780. The phone support is open weekdays from 10 AM to 2 PM Pacific Coast time.

    Dir. of Operations, Gecko, Hamster,

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