Doozy Announces New Birthday e card – Soda Shop Birthday

Let singing sock hop kittens and soda jerk retrievers celebrate your recepient’s birthday in the fun fifties stylized Soda Shop Birthday. Caroline, one of our animators,  designed these characters and adorable outfits.  Our animator Josh, who makes many of our ecards, did all the flash animation. Josh was so kind to work late last night to finish it, since he was leaving for a vacation to Georgia this morning.  We are going to make some changes but we wanted to put it up so everybody could enjoy it right away. We have become known for making animated musical ecards, but we are also working hard to include variety in our ecard inventory.  We are currently making more sentimental e cards and heartfelt greeting cards.  If you are looking for a more serious, inspirational birthday card, our Love and Blessings Birthday e card is popular.  If you want to send some heartfelt birthday blessings for a year of peace and happiness , Garden Full of Blessings birthday ecard is a good choice.  As always, we love to hear your feedback and comments on the blog, the site and do let us know about ecards you want us to make. We consider every single suggestion and we thank you for choosing Doozycards.

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