Hi, this is Bennett again, Doozy’s organizational poobah and the voice of several critters of the ecards.

How was your Valentine’s Day? Mine was a washout, romantically speaking. I ought to have spent the day in a spa under the hands of a master masseur. I ought to have booked a flight to Cancun. I ought to have bought myself chocolate (is that the hedonist’s version of “I coulda had a V-8?”).

HOWEVER, President’s Day rocked! Romance came knocking with a sheepish look on it’s face and apologizing for taking a later train. Maybe my karma is the reverse of normal expectations? Friday the 13th turned out lucky too (knocking furiously on wood now).

Speaking of luck, our next holiday up is St. Patrick’s Day. Chandler and the production team are already cooking some fun-in-green for the occasion so prep your ecard mailing lists!

 – Bennett

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