Tips for Writing a Great Birthday Card

We’ve all been there. Struggling to write something uniquely sincere or produces a ‘LOL’ moment from your birthday card receiver. Either it comes out maudlin and overreaching, or so skimpy there’s no sentiment… or worst of all, it sounds befuddled and just plain whackadoodle (though frankly, we prefer wackadoodle to the other two for sheer entertainment value). Writing a decent message, whether it goes with a gift or standalone, is actually pretty easy if you follow these helpful tips for writing a great birthday card.

Tips for Writing a Great Birthday Card

Tips for Writing a Great Birthday Card

1. Determine the Tone

Keeping in mind who the card is for will help you adjust the tone for the card. Obviously, a card to your mom will be much more sentimental compared to a card for a co-worker, which would be much more professionally cordial. You can think of that person’s personality as well. Are they funny or more serious?

2. Write a Rough Draft

Practice makes perfect! You can easily make a mistake on a card or forget to add something important so be sure to jot down some notes or key points about the person.

3. Be Sincere

Nothing is drabber than, “I hope you have a great birthday!” Make it relevant by talking about the plans for the birthday, your gift to them, or that you’re glad to be sharing the celebration with them!

4. Keep it About Them

Think about a favorite memory or joke you’ve shared that could be written concisely. This person may also have characteristics or qualities that you admire that can be highlighted to make them feel great about themselves. Keep your tone lighthearted and brief throughout to avoid awkwardness or loss of interest.

5. Proofread

Nothing detracts more from a card than a glaring mistake. Read it over, or have a friend look it over to make sure it’s ship-shape!

Regardless of how you choose to write the card, you know the person best! Keep it fun, light-hearted and help make their birthday memorable!

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