How to Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday

It’s easy to refer to your four-legged pet as a member of the family, so why not celebrate their birthday as well? It may seem silly, but it’s a great occasion shower them with gifts and attention because these unsung heroes bring tons of joy and happiness into one’s life. You don’t have to throw them a huge party, but here are 17 fun ways to help celebrate the birth of your cat or dog.

How to Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday

How to Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday

  1. Take them on a shopping spree at the pet store
  2. Bake them pet friendly treats (carob cake, anyone?)
  3. Take them to their favorite place (i.e. dog park, grandma’s house, a room full of scratch posts)
  4. Set up a play date with other pets
  5. Go on a long walk with them
  6. Take them to the grooming salon  – in fact, take yourself to one too!
  7. Have a professional photo session – no embarrassing pet sweaters!
  8. Play all their favorite games
  9. Give them an extra long belly rubs, scratches and pets – do you have a good grooming brush?
  10. Take a nap with them
  11. Run sprints in the yard with them
  12. If they’re not usually allowed on the bed or couch, let them sit there, but just for a day!
  13. Take your pooch for a drive and let them stick their head out the window
  14. Buy them a new collar and dog tag
  15. If they’re usually fed dry foods, spice it up with something homemade. Cats love real chicken liver.
  16. Sing them Happy Birthday – and let them howl along
  17. Give them extra hugs and kisses

Don’t let your pet’s big day go by unnoticed! Spoil your pet with all these wonderful surprises and show them why they are a big part of your family.


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