Beautiful Bluebirds – Our New Mother’s Day eCard

THANK YOU and all our love to you, Moms!

Why do we like to delight our mothers when we celebrate them? Certainly it’s to return the abundant affection we receive from them; how can you really ever pay all of that back? But I think there is also a touching, wonderful feeling when you surprise your mom with beauty or delight. It’s the breaking of the routine where Mom is the one who surprises us and provides wonder for us and creates events for us. We ALWAYS see Mom in control and working and creating.. so on this day the turnabout is charming to us to see her get the goodies instead.

It is a smart child who keeps their mother happy and delighted. Here’s a little help for you: Macy’s one day Mother’s Day sale online.

We are truly delighted with our new Mothers’ Day ecards this year. We have taken on a new animator, Amanda, who lives in Virginia and who has created the most lovely animation yet for this holiday. Have a look. Here’s a still from the card; if you click on it (below), you can see the beautiful animation play.

May you and your Mom have a splendid Mothers’ Day full of love.

from our new "Bluebirds for Mom" eCard



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