Meals on Wheels Cart for a Cause

Bennett and I were were thrilled today to head over to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to eat lunch at the Meals on Wheels Cart for a Cause.  Every meal purchased feeds a senior for an entire day.  Lying on the lawn across from LACMA eating fried chicken n blue cheese sandwiches and tuna tartar is the most painless way to feed a senior.
Each week there is a different celebrity chef cooking inside the truck!  Not just local fry cooks –  world famous chefs like Nobu  donate their time and all the food.  Today it was Eric Greenspan from The Foundry and Bennett and I give him two giant thumbs up.  Thanks Eric!  If you  live in Los Angeles check out where the next celebrity chef will be: They sold out today so arrive early.

One thought on “Meals on Wheels Cart for a Cause

  1. This is great! I hope to join you guys next time the Meals on Wheels Cart for a Cause is out and about. Let me know!!

    Bravo to the Doozys!

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