New Alfred Hopscotch Birthday ecard

Alfred Hopscotch Birthday, our new free birthday ecard staring poor Miss Jane Butternuts, is a homage to Hitchcock’s macabre humor.  Of course, we all know birthday aging feels like murder.  We’ve also documented the horror of rising gas prices in our Alfred Hopscotch rising gas prices ecard.  Everyone agrees going to the pump these days is terrifying.  Equally scary are taxes, which we make fun of in Alfred Hopscotch Tax Horror ecard.  Then, there is the terribly frightening subject of being single on Valentines Day. It will make you feel like Suzanne Pleshette in The Birds. Check out our Valentine’s Day Horror e-card.  All of these are free ecards, if you sign up for a free ten-day trial.  We strongly believe in free internet ecards; of course, we hope you’ll stay with us since we produce new cards every week!

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