Juice War!

Hi, this is Bennett,

.. Before you get all excited to read Chandler’s and my epic struggle to outlast each other on this 5 day juice cleanse (read, “Liquid pseudo starvation”), I have to tell you… I folded. At 11 PM last night, 10 hours after beginning the infernal fast, I was compelled by stomach and dizzied brain to shove a hard boiled egg with pear-chutney down my gullet. It was followed by a Bosc pear and the remaining 3rd of a very nice piece of brie. It’s what I had in the fridge besides fresh parsley, carrots, apples and a big papaya for the juicing. I do feel much better now.

I have to say, if the Gods had meant us to eat juice, we would have razor sharp whirling teeth, and a pulp sluice out the back of our heads.

 That said, today, Chandler seems hungry. I’m counting on her caving by Friday morning. To tease her I sent her our ecard “Please Send Chocolate“, and a funny one about Diets.

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