Doozy’s Best Pet Photo Contest

cover photoPets are Part of our family. They love us, and we love them. They’re there for us, and we’re there for them. We feed them, take care of them and we always know we have a friend by our side.

We want you to send us a photo of your greatest pet in the whole wide world. Fellow Facebook fans will vote for the best photo finalists and we will select the grand prize winner! The winning pet’s picture will be used in a new Doozy eCard.

To enter Doozy Cards’ Best Pet Photo Contest, participants are asked to submit an original photo of their pet or pets by uploading the image to Doozy Cards’ Facebook page ( The contest begins November 8, 2013 at 6:01am PST and submissions will be accepted until December 2, 2013 at 10:00am PST.

Participants must have a Facebook account to submit and are limited to uploading a maximum of one new photo per day. Photographs must be pet related and clearly feature at least one pet, though multiple pets are permitted. Images can include any type of pet, from cats and dogs, to birds and beyond. Contest submissions must be clear, original photos that have not been significantly altered by digital photography programs (Photoshop, iPhoto, etc.). Entries that feature the full image of the pet are preferred.

Beginning December 2nd 2013, contest participants and other members of Doozy Cards’ Facebook community will vote for their favorite pet photo. Individuals must have a Facebook profile in order to vote, and each ‘Like’ on the Facebook page will be counted as one (1) vote.

The voting period ends on December 6th at 5:00pm PST, after which the winner will be selected by Doozy Cards’ staff from the pool of the top five (5) most ‘liked’ photo submissions. The winning pet photo will be incorporated into one of Doozy Cards animated eCards and feature the image of the chosen pet. Contest winners will also receive a $100 gift card courtesy of Doozy Cards.

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