Eco-friendly Methods to Wrap your Gifts

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I don’t know about you, but I’ve been saving wrapping and tissue paper for years. In the depths of my laundry room resides a plastic bag full of the packaging of presents past. Anytime I need to quickly wrap a gift, I reach in and re-use. (That’s called “pre-cycling” by the way.)

If you don’t have used packaging at the ready, may I suggest the common brown paper bag? Before you poo-poo it, I’m not suggesting just a plain old paper bag; that’s a little too frumpy and schoolbook cover.

A few of the following add-ons will turn that bag into something special:

  1. Cut-outs from holiday magazines. Magazines are loaded with glossy graphics that paste easily onto the paper bag. Add a few or add a bunch. Or go a little abstract and toss on a celebrity or two.
  2. Old photographs. Most of us have a vast collection of cherished photographs to choose from. Not only does an old photo personalize your gift, but the photograph itself becomes a gift.
  3. DaVinci the heck out of that bag. Before you wrap the gift, take some watercolor paints and showcase your true inner artist, no matter how crappy he or she may be. Or use magic markers. Or even crayons, for that child-like touch.
  4. Natural touches. Feathers, leaves and dried flowers are often readily available for the pasting.

Holidays can wreak havoc on our earth with all the paper we use. Did you know that a large amount of the wrapping “paper” we use is now actually made out of plastic? Think of how long that lasts and how much we dump into landfills every Holiday season.

Why not make some small, creative “green” changes that send a more personalized and creative message?

Speaking of eco-friendly choices, our funny Christmas ecards leave virtually no carbon footprint. Send a Christmas ecard to someone you love, wrapped only with good intentions.

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