Strange Things that Make a Good Friend

Our Pugs and Kisses ecards – a quick way to reach out to a good friend.

Sure, sure…we all know a good friend listens to you and helps you out when you really need it. A good friend makes you smile and supplies you with love and understanding. But let’s skip off the beaten path for a moment.

Here are some aspects of a good friend that aren’t normally listed:

  1. Good friends drive you to and from the airport. Listen, no one likes doing it, but a good friend bites the bullet and picks your butt up when no one else will.
  2. Good friends help you move. Same as above; no one likes it, but when you need brute strength during that moving day, a good (and preferably strong) friend shows up.
  3. Good friends call bullshit to that. Good friends aren’t always pleasant. If they see you repeatedly making the same error (such as dating that jerk again), they’ll call you on it. Sometimes loudly.
  4. Good friends are there when you barf. They don’t run away in horror; they pull your hair back and tell you there, there, get it all out. They also will buy chicken soup and ginger ale afterward if they’re extra good friends.
  5. Good friends aren’t always good friends. What? That makes no sense, you say. I had a good friend explain it to me years ago when just about everyone forgot my birthday. Vicki said, “I do my best, Beth. But sometimes I mess up. If my general track record is good, I hope you can overlook my mistakes sometimes because you know I love you.”

Want to make a friend feel extra special? Send them one of our Sweetest Day ecards. It’s just a simple way to show you care and add some sweetness to a pal in your life.

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