Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Happy Friday! Doesn’t it feel good just saying it? Friday’s the holiday you get every week, but somehow that doesn’t make it any less sweet. It has it all. You’ve accomplished what you set out to do this week – or anyway, the fact that you didn’t won’t matter till Monday. You’ve gotten through the lean hours and the surprises and the hard work. And best of all, you get to go home at five o’clock and forget about this place for a couple of days.

It’s worth celebrating, and why wait a few more hours to do it when you can start now? I like to put an even bigger smile on everybody’s face than they already have by kicking off the weekend a little early – I send my friends awesome Friday e-cards.

James Green’s TGIF

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

‘OW! I feel good.’ You wouldn’t think those two sentences go together, but when you’re the hardest working frog in show business, it’s just another hit in your catalogue. Get funky with this James Green e-card that’ll have you and your coworkers bouncing in your chairs. That is, if you can all manage to stay sitting down. With the weekend almost here, you just might want to get on up!

Gecko Friday

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Add a touch of class to your Friday with this very sophisticated message from your evening’s maitre d’ and gecko extraordinaire. When you get off work and slip into your smoking jacket, are you heading straight to a piano bar to have a martini and listen to someone tickle the ivories just right? Let the whole office know it’s another jazzy Friday with reptiles.

Enjoy Your Weekend

Fantasy weekends come in all shapes and sizes. You’re stretched out on a tropical beach, with an island band keeping things dancy and some ice cold drinks at your feet. Dozing on the hammock, you can feel the breeze off the ocean. Or maybe it’s the breeze from your neighbor’s lawnmower. Whatever. Either way there’s a hammock, and either way it’s the weekend.

Rat Race TGIF

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Friday eCards to Kick Off the Weekend While Still at Work

Like rats in a maze, we’ve all got our cheddar to make. But once you’ve done all the running you had to do for this week, it’s time to remember that there’s more to life than the race. Since they’ve called time for a couple of days, let your co-workers know that you all get to slow down now. Stop racing, rats – it’s Friday!

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