Best Birthday Cards for Kids

With kids all over the online spectrum these days, you may be scratching your head wondering how to catch their attention with your message for their birthday. The best way to capture their attention is with one of our hilarious and creative Doozy eCards! We’ve got an assortment of eCards for kids that range from goofy aliens to cupcake fairies and so much more. Have them squealing with delight on their special day with one of our 5 eCards for kids!

1. Alien Birthday Cards

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Greetings, Earthlings! These nerdy aliens definitely come in peace and are looking to beam your incoming transmission by making sure your kids have a very happy birthday!

2. Singing Pugs Birthday eCard

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

This trio of singing pugs will definitely make a child smile with their infectious birthday medley.

3. Cupcake Surprise Birthday

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

As pretty as it is funny, this popular eCard involves the recipient and a fairy decorating a lovely cupcake. Help the fairy top this delicacy with some icing, berries, and of course—sprinkles. The end surprise is the best part!

4. Gangnam Style Birthday

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Oppa  Gangnam Style! The kids will absolutely love this hilarious and catchy birthday eCard, especially when President Barack Obama joins in on the party. Who doesn’t love a President in a wig? They may even want to join in on the dance too!

5. Find the Cake Game

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

Best Birthday Cards for Kids

It’s so close you can even taste it! This interactive eCard forces the recipient to find the cake in various locations around the kitchen. Kids will love that it’s a game and a card in one! Don’t ask us where it is because we won’t tell!

Whatever you select, the kids will go bananas over any of these cards. And if these don’t suit your fancy, you can peruse the rest of our Birthday eCards for kids at!  Also, you can send any card for free and receive a free 10 day trial!


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