A Doozy Love Story

We got the most wonderful email from our customer Pam. Her story begins in February of 2010 in Swansea, England. Pam met a man, Ira, through an online dating service, and it just so happened it was Ira’s 50th birthday.  She took a courageous step and emailed him our Dumptruck Full of Candles ecard:

Reaching out to this new love interest proved to be very lucky for her! Pam told us he was really amused and touched when he received the card.  Well, the pair continued talking, eventually met in-person, and began seriously dating.

A year later, Pam and Ira were engaged. She recently reached out to us and relayed her story, and when we heard it we were all really touched! Pam wanted a digital image of the ecard so that she could give it to Ira as a memento they could both hold onto and cherish for life. Pam was nice enough to tell us that the Dumptruck Full of Candles ecard “no doubt contributed to the formation of our initial friendship and romance.”

We couldn’t be happier with the outcome of Pam’s and Ira’s story. Here is a picture of their wedding and the happy couple in present day.








Congratulations Pam and Ira on finding love.




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