Simplifying Passover











The problem with most holidays? We create more work than is needed and often feel stressed out by it, instead of feeling connected to our family or spiritually rewarded. Passover can easily fall into that category with an extensive menu and many layers of ritual.

Here are some tips to keep it simple this year:

Prepare dishes in advance. Spread out the labor by making dishes like the matzoh-ball soup, brisket and cakes in advance. Set the table in advance as well.

Save the work. Keep grocery lists and recipes from the previous years stored in one spot so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel each year.

Keep the focus where it needs to be. When it’s all said and done, Passover is a deeply religious holiday where families and friends connect and reflect. Don’t make it a cooking contest. Consider the mood and main point of the holiday. And relax!

Another way to simplify Passover? Send your loved ones a free Passover e-card. Does it get much simpler than that?

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